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A Parent's Guide to Powerful Teaching

A Parent's Guide to Powerful Teaching

By Patrice Bain

Published 16 Nov 2020

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“I’m not sure how to help my child with schoolwork.” “I see my child study for tests and not do well.” “How much help is too much? Or Not enough?” As a parent, do you have questions like these? For students reading this book, have you ever thought: I studied all night and didn’t do well on the test? Do you question why spending more time on schoolwork often does not reflect increased learning or higher grades?

We all think we know how to study. Many of us have spent years in educational settings. Because we have learned, do we know how learning occurs? Often the answer is no. Fewer than 10% of students have parents who are certified educators. Where can the other 90% of parents go to find answers? If you are a student, where can you go to find out how to maximize learning while spending less time doing so? The answer is this guide.

Patrice Bain has shown thousands of students with a wide range of abilities how to increase school performance. Having worked with cognitive scientists in the classroom for over half of her 25+ year teaching career, Bain knows how students learn and has developed strategies that increase memory, grades and retention of material. This book is not about fads or the latest shiny gadgets. Instead, this guide, based on rigorous research, gives the inside look into how all of us learn best. Filled with stories making learning relevant, and strategies to use at home, this guide will be like having a seat in Mrs. Bain’s engaging classroom.
  • Author Patrice Bain
  • ISBN 9781913622343
  • No. of Pages 82
  • Format Paperback
  • Publication Date 16 Nov 2020