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The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

The Juggling Act: How to juggle leadership and life

By Professor Toby Salt

Published 08 Nov 2021

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Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out?
Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience.
The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience.
  • Author Professor Toby Salt
  • ISBN 9781913622848
  • No. of Pages 160
  • Format Paperback
  • Publication Date 08 Nov 2021